17 days : Birding in Tours in Senegal

Tour Overview :

Senegal is a country a top destination for birdwatching. Here is recorded 660 species of birds .

In our Senegal Birdwatching tour, we will focuss upon the most sought after or rarely seen species. Among these, we have : White-backed Night Heron, Scissor-tailed Kite, Beaudouin’s Snake Eagle, Fox Kestrel, Savile’s and Arabian Bustards, African Finfoot, Quail-plover,Black-crowned Night Heron , Egyptian Plover (a monotypic family), Adamawa Turtle Dove , Four-banded Sandgrouse, , African Collared Dove, Golden Nightjar, Little Grey Woodpecker, Sun Lark, Black Scrub Robin, Dorst’s Cisticola, River Prinia, Cricket Warbler, Sennar Penduline Tit, Pygmy Sunbird, Sudan Golden Sparrow, Mali (or Kulikoro) and Black-faced Firefinches, Lavender Waxbill, Sahel Paradise Whydah, White-rumped Seedeater and Gosling’s Bunting, Neumann’s and Long-tailed and Chestnut-backed Startling .

Around The Djoudj Birds Reserve and surrounding, we will look for more Sahel specialities : the endangered Arabian Bustard, The River Prinia, The Golden Nightjar, and so on. It’s recorded 320 species of birds without forgetting the thousands of Great White Pelican. Around Podor, here is easy to see : Sudan Golden Sparrow , Cricket Warbler, Senegal Eremomela , Sennar Penduline and Yellow-bellied Penduline, Senegal Bâtis and so on ….

In the Saloum Delta, we will have the great opportunity to look for the rarely seen : White-crested Tiger Heron ….And around Kaolack we will have the opportunity to see thousands of : Swallow-tailed Kite and some Lesser Kestrel and so on.

In Niokolo Koba National, a wooded area. One the most watered habitat for mammals and birds. Here it is easier to see : The Egyptian plover than anywhere else. We can also see : Blizzard Buzzards, African Finfoot, Grasshopper Buzzard, Carmine and Red-Throated Bee-eater, Shikra, Haddad Ibis, Woolly-necked Stork, Saddle-billed Stork, Battleur, Abyssinian Ground hornbill and so on.

In the Southeast, around Kedougou and Dindefelo, you can see the rarely Neumann’s Starling, Common Wattled-eye, Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher, Gosling’s Bunting, Mocking Cliff Chat ,Blue-bellied Roller, Sun Lark and so on.


 Day 1 : Arrival ,welcome at airport and transfer to a small hotel in Mbour : Blue Africa .

Pension Regime : Full board according to your arrival.

Day 2 : Birding in Technopole Dakar And Somone Lagoon

We head to Technopole Dakar, Worldwide known birds area, where we can spot some water birds and land birds : Eurasian spoonbills, Pink- backed pelicans, pied kingfishers, Purple swamphen, Eurasian teals ,Senegal parrots, Bronze mannikins .

Lunch at Somone Lagoon. Then we go for a boat ride to spots some shores birds : Caspian terns, Royal terns, Whimbrel, Green-backed nights heron, Ospreys and so on ..

Dinner and overnight at Blue Africa.

Pension Regime : full board

Day 3 : Djoudj Birds Park

Today, we are driving Northwards,the edge of the Sahara, crossing the Baobab trees, and wooded acacia and palm trees areas. All the way to Djoudj, we do some birding, hoping to see some long-tailed glossy starlings , hooded vultures, Abyssinian rollers, chestnut-bellied starlings ,rufous crowned roller and so on

Lunch in Saint Louis, Then we head for La Zone Des Trois Marigots, where, we can spots some Blackwinged stilt.

Dinner and overnight at NDiagabaar Campement in The Djoudj .

Pension Regime : full board

Day 4 : Birding in The Djoudj And Boat ride on The Djoudj.

The morning will dedicated to do some birdwatching in the most important birds habitat in Northern Senegal , with of the Djoudj Birds Reserve, where were recorded 320 species of birds. Here we can see : the river prinia, white-faced whistling duck, garganey, spur-winged geese ,greater and lesser flamingoes ,knob-billed geese ,great flock of white pelican , African darter ,African fish eagle and so

Lunch at NDiagabaar Camp and the afternoon, we will go for a boat to see the pelican in their and other species of birds.

Dinner and overnight at NDiagabaar Camp

Pension Regime : full board

Day 5 : Birding in the Djoudj Birds Park And Ross Bethio.

We will keep on birding to discover new species : Black-crowned crane ,yellow-billed stork ,common moorhen ,pied avocet ,greater painted snipe ,collared pranticole ,Kentish and kittlitz’s plovers ,long-tailed nightjar,zitting and winding cisticola and so on Lunch at NDiagabaar Camp ,and the afternoon ,to head to Ross Bethio for some birding in the rice field . Dinner and overnight at NDiagabaar Camp

Pension Regime : half board

Day 6 : Birding in Richard Toll and Podor

So we are heading Northwards to Richard Toll and Podor. In Podor we are pretty much at the edge of the Sahara Desert, the landscape is mainly composed of acacias. Here we can see species : Tawny Flanked Prinia ,flocks of Sudan Golden Sparrow ,Cricket Warbler ,Sennar Penduline Tit, Grey Woodpecker, Black Scrub Robin and so on.

Lunch in Richard Toll and we drive to Podor. Dinner and overnight at Gite D’Etape.

Pension Regime : full board

Day 7 : Birding around Podor – Saint Louis

On our birding ,we will focus on some Western African endemics : Senegal Eremomela,African Collared Dove ,Senegal Batis,Vieillot’s Barbet and other species : Black-crowned sparrow lark , and Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin and so on .

Lunch in Podor ,And we head to Saint Louis. Dinner and Overnight at Diamarek or similar . Pension Regime : full board

Day 8 : Saint Louis – Kaolack – Toubacouta

We will have some stops on the way to Kaolack. In this arid areas, we can see a lot vultures, including : Lappet-faced Vultures, Rüppel Griffon Vultures ,White-backed Vultures and the most common Hooded vultures. Lunch in Kaolack at Blue Bird Restaurant and the afternoon, we head to Kousmar, where we are supposed to the scissor-tailed kite.

Dinner and overnight at Auberge Les Coquillages or similar

Pension Regime : full board

Day 9 : Kaolack – Toubacouta

We depart after breakfast for some birding in Waly Ndiaye Wetland . Then we keep on birding on the way to Toubacouta .Here we can spot the Blue-bellied roller ,Bronze mannikin, Pearl-spotted Owl ,Lavender Waxbill ,Bearded-Barbet . And the afternoon ,we will have a boat ride to spot the rare Tiger- crested Heron .

Dinner and Overnight at Auberge Les Coquillages Pension Regime : full board

Day 11 : Birding Around Toubacouta and Boat Trip on The Saloum Delta.

According the river’s tide, we will determine our program . If it’s low tide in the morning ,we will have a boat ride to spot the rarest White-crested Tiger Heron and other species . If not we will do it the morning and the afternoon will be dedicated for some birding around Toubacouta looking for some species : Bronze Manikin , African Silver bill ,Senegal Parrot ,Little bee-eater ,rose-ringed Parakeet, Scarlet -chested Sunbird ,Lavender Waxbill ,Wire-tailed Swallow . Lunch in Toubacouta.

Dinner and overnight at Auberge Les Coquillages.

Pension Regime : full board

Day 12 : Toubacouta – wassadou

Here we are at the edge of the Niokolo Koba National Park . We will have a boat ride on the Gambia river to discover : the shikra , woodland kingfisher , African finfoot ,hadada ibis ,pied kingfisher ,Yellowcrowned Gonolek , Egyptian Plover ,Hadada Ibis ,Lizard Buzzard, Red-Throated Bee eater and so on …

Lunch in Hotel Relais Tambacounda Dinner and overnight at Wassadou Camp Pension Regime : full board

Day 11 : Niokolo Koba Park

We will board in a 4×4 to see the : bateleur , Egyptian plover ,pel’s fish eagle ,African harrier hawk ,white helmet-crested shrike ,saddle-billed stork , wooly-necked stork, blue-bellied roller, black-billed wood dove , ground hornbill , bateleur ,black-crowned crane ,Red-throat Bee Eater ,Carmine Bee Eater ,Saddledbilled Stork …. Lunch in the Park . Continuation to Kedougou ,with the possibility to see the Abyssinian Ground Hornbill and Batteleur.

Dinner and overnight at : Wassadou Camp Pension Regime : full board

Day 12 : Kedougou

We leave for Kedougou ,going deep down in the dense tropical forest , crossing the Niokolo KOBA Park ,seeing probably some Abyssinian Ground Hornbills , Bateleurs and probably some mammals. Lunch in Kedougou and we head to Dindefelo, boarding in a 4×4 .On The way we will make stops for birding .

Dinner and overnight at Dogon du Fouta Camp . Pension Regime : full board

Day 13: Dindefelo

This day we will be on lookout for Four-banded Sandgrouse ,Exclamatory Paradise Whyday, Violetbacked Starling ,White Helmeted Shrike and on … This location is the restricted area for the Neumman’s Starling . We can spot the Violet turaco ,Narina’s Trogon ,and so on . Lunch in Dindefelo,and then we will keep on birding looking for Yellow-brested Apalis ,Snowy-crowned Robin Chat ,African Paradise Flycatcher and so on … Dinner and overnight at Dogon Camp in Dindefelo.

Pension Regime :full board

Day 14 : Dindefelo At The Border with Conakry Guinea– Kedougou

The morning,we will be on lookout for other species Mali or Koulikoro Firefinch ,Rock Martín ,Orange Cheeked Waxbill …. After lunch ,we head to Tambacounda

Dinner and overnight at hotel Relais Tambacounda .

Pension Regime : full board

Day 15 : Kedougou – Toubacouta

Upon arrival, according to Saloum Delta’s tide , meaning ,if the tide is low ,we have boat to spot the White-crested Tiger heron , which can be seen only here lunch on the way . Dinner and overnight Ecolodge De Toubacouta or La Praline

Pension Regime : full board

Day 16 : Birding in the Palmarin Reserve and around .

If we couldn’t have our boat ride on Day 15 . We will have to day for to find out the White-crested Tiger Heron . Then we will for a birdwatching around Toubacouta to spot some birds the African Harrier Hawk ,Rose-ringed Parakeet ,Senegal Parrot , Black-crowned Tchagra,Grey Woodpecker….And after lunch we head to Mbour . Dinner and overnight in Mbour at Blue Africa Hotel

Day 17 : Transfert to airport

Pension Regime : Bed and Breakfast

Notice : children under 12 years, will have 50 % discount.

Price person up to 2 people : 3800 € (4089 $)

Price person up to 4 people : 3650 € (3927 $)

Price per person up to 6 people : 3500 € (3766 $)

Single supplement : 410 € or 460 $

 Notice : The single supplement will not be applied, if you decide to share a room.

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